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An exceptional student from Robert Gordon’s University has been named Young Software Engineer of the Year 2016. Stuart Whitehead won first prize for an innovative project developing a software platform for internet of things (IoT) applications. 法官认为这个项目很出色.

Second place was won by Andreea Lutec from the University of Glasgow for her project developing real time robot camera controls. Ana Ciocarlan from the University of Aberdeen secured third place with an innovative ehealth project to monitor colorectal cancer .   

The Leidos Software Engineering Project Award went to Graeme Sutters from 斯特拉斯克莱德大学 who developed a seriously smart travel app.

年度青年软件工程师奖, 现在他们已经27岁了, 给最好的本科软件项目, drawn from across all students studying computing science and software engineering in Scotland.  Each university submits the best final year undergraduate software engineering project from amongst their students.

该奖项由 ScotlandIS, the trade body for the digital technologies industry and were presented at the ScotSoft2016 dinner in front of over 530 guests from across the industry.

Brilliant young minds making breakthroughs in computing science and programming

Stuart Whitehead

物联网(IoT)是下一个技术浪潮, connecting sensors across the Internet which will help enable smart cities, 特别是在运输和能源的使用方面, automated control systems and a myriad of small consumer focused solutions that will change the way we live, work and play.

Stuart set out to simplify the way that IoT software and devices connect by creating a common ‘plug and play’ framework, 而不是现有的多个系统.

该框架有四个关键方面:数据建模, data persistence, 数据访问API和实时, 双向事件API.

这个项目被评委们认为是优秀的, 斯图亚特收到了一等奖赞助商2500英镑的支票 Sopra Steria, and the Young Software Engineer of the Year trophy given by ScotlandIS.

我是小湾的斯图尔特, Aberdeen won a number of prizes during his time at University and is now working in New Zealand. During his time at university he undertook two placements with Aberdeen based web design studios EQ Design and FortyTwo Studio and at Edenspiekermann in Berlin

Andreea Lutac

Andreea is fascinated by robots and the increasing ways these are being used. She spotted a problem with the widely used Robotics Operating System (ROS) and decided to see if this could be solved. 而理想的小规模, the ROS has reliability issues at scale and so industrial robots normally use customised technology platforms. Andreea使用Erlang编程语言进行了调查, 一项世界领先的技术,以其大规模的可靠性而闻名, to address this. Her project compared real time face tracking using the two different systems ROS and Erlang, to prove that Erlang would successfully address the reliability and scalability issues in ROS.  

作为亚军,安德里亚从赞助商那里收到了2000英镑的支票 BCS以及来自博天堂入口的奖杯.  

Andreea, grew up in Romania and studied for her undergraduate degree at the University of Glasgow. 去年夏天,她在摩根大通(JP Morgan)的软件开发中心工作, 今年夏天,她在格拉斯哥大学继续她的研究. 她不久将开始攻读机器人硕士学位, Systems and Control at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. 她的工作也为她赢得了BCS最佳项目评估奖.

Ana Ciocarlan

结直肠癌的患者超过40人,000 people in the UK every year and it’s critical that patients who have treatment continue to monitor their health regularly. Ana developed an ehealth application (Cancer Aftercare Reporting Engine or CARE for short) to help patients check their health on a weekly basis without needing to visit either their doctor or the hospital.  

CARE应用程序监测患者的每周和总体进展, creating automatic reports that can be read by the patient and their medical support team. 患者可以在任何地方使用该应用程序, 所以它对生活在农村或偏远地区的人特别有用. This new application should enable earlier detection of both recurring tumours and new primaries, enabling treatment to be provided to the patient as quickly as possible.

安娜的项目获得了三等奖, a cheque for £1500 from sponsor Edge Testing and a trophy from ScotlandIS.  

原产于布加勒斯特, Romania, Ana studied for her undergraduate Computing degree  at the University of Aberdeen, where she became involved in a number of voluntary roles including working at the Bookends charity shop in the city, 并担任大学CAD系的电子学习顾问. She was awarded the Aberdeen Quincentenary Award by the Lord Provost of Aberdeen in May 2016 for her outstanding academic and extracurricular achievements. 她刚刚开始在阿伯丁攻读博士学位.

Graeme Sutters

Following a whirlwind tour of six European cities  which didn’t run quite to plan, Graeme decided to build an App that would let tourists plan their routes round local attractions so as not to constantly double back on themselves, 也许更重要的是在开放时间到达那里. His app automatically produces a sightseeing itinerary based on the user’s preferences. The user enters details of their trip and ranks a list of local attractions. The app then uses a scheduling algorithm to produce an itinerary to make the most of their stay in the city, minimising travel times between places and fitting in as many attractions as possible into the time available.  The algorithm also checks  the opening times of the various visitor attractions to avoid that ‘Oh no!当城堡/博物馆/画廊关门时你出现的那一刻.   

Graeme获得了Leidos软件工程奖, a cheque for £1500 and the Leidos Rose Bowl was given to his university, 斯特拉斯克莱德大学.

一个来自格拉斯哥的成熟学生, Graeme discovered an interest in programming whilst working for the Bank of Scotland. 完成学位后,他加入了位于伦弗鲁的ACMS集团, who specialise in software for the the waste disposal and recycling industry, 作为软件开发人员.  

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